BEWARE!!! The Negative Effects of Plagiarism in Dissertation Writing

One of the crucial aspects of a higher degree course is writing a dissertation. It forms the basis of your degree, and failing to submit one on time will cost you your whole career. Keeping its importance in mind, students take it seriously and try to complete it successfully within the given time frame. But not every student possesses the skills to write a dissertation perfectly.

Due to the inability to handle this lengthy writing task, many students look for dissertation help. Others give it a try and fall into the alluring trap of plagiarism which is the use of work of other authors without their permission and proper credit. Even if you have done it unintentionally, you have to face strong consequences. In the academic and professional world, it is a serious offense. Let’s discuss its negative impact on a student’s life and career.

1. Failing Grades: In case your dissertation is found plagiarized, the first step the authorities will take is to reject your whole work. You will fail your course, and the chances are that you will not get a second chance.

2. Dismissal from the University: Whether intentional or unintentional, many universities take strict disciplinary action against plagiarism and dismiss or suspend students from the college or university. In a few cases, students get a chance to revise their work, while if the case is severe or professors find the student cheating, again and again, he will have to face serious consequences.

3. Bad Reputation: There will be a negative impact on your credibility as a responsible student if you are caught plagiarizing. You will not be allowed to take part in any activity, whether it is sports or an academic scenario. Professors will give you lower grades in your work and look at your further assignments with doubt.

4. Self-Harm: By doing plagiarism, the biggest harm you do is to your own self. Your learning process will be barred, and you may not achieve your goal. By researching and writing the dissertation in your own way, you get to learn creative skills, writing skills, and build confidence. By plagiarizing, you fail to grow as a person and as a student as a whole.

5. Copyright Violation and Legal Consequences: As per law, you cannot use copyrighted material without proper citation and referencing. Violating it may have serious legal consequences, and the person whose work has been copied can even sue you. It can also be considered an offense, and you have to face severe consequences.

6. Monetary Consequences: In some cases, students are asked to give a fine when they are caught of plagiarism. The college may apply monetary penalties to the student.

7. Negative Impact on Educational Institutions: It is not only the students who suffer from plagiarism but also a bad impact on the educational institution's reputation. They are also held responsible for such misconduct and may receive a warning or more serious repercussions from higher authorities.

There are various plagiarism checker tools you can use to avoid plagiarism. You can even take dissertation writing services from reliable websites to get original work


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